Hiddensee – General Informations

Wappen HiddenseeHiddensee is a car-free island west of Rügen and is located in the National Park of Vorpommersche Boddenlandschaft.

Country Informations

Germany – General Informations

Arrival to Hiddensee

Since Hiddensee is a car-free island, the last two parts of the journey are unusual and should be planned and organized in advance. The island can only be reached by boat, there are ferries to Hiddensee from Stralsund and Schaprode on Rügen, which is also an island. Rügen can be reached by train to Bergen on Rügen or by car via two bridges, so that the journey to Rügen is easy. From Stralsund a passenger ferry goes to Hiddensee, from Schaprode a passenger and also a car ferry. You can not take your car with you (only island supply), but there is enough space on the ship to take your own bike as well, as this is the only means of transport on the island besides the Kremser (horse carriage for passenger transport).

Ships run to the three ports of Neuendorf, Vitte and Kloster, the car ferry only the port of Vitte. The drive from Schaprode to Vitte takes about 45 minutes, from Stralsund to Vitte you are at sea for about 3 hours. If you are in a hurry, you can take the water taxi from Schaprode to Vitte in just 15 minutes.

After arriving in one of the harbors, you can reach your accommodation either on foot, by your own or a rental bicycle or with the Kremser, depending on your distance, condition and budget.

Recommendations – Hotels, guest houses etc. on Hiddensee

There is a wide range of accommodation on the island, from houses and apartments to guest houses to good hotels.

Hotel Heiderose

I like the Hotel Heiderose very well, the service is very friendly and helpful, the rooms are spacious and comfortable. There is a sauna, cheap bike rental and the restaurant offers delicious cuisine until around 22:00.

Weak point there is for me only that there is free Wi-Fi not in the rooms, but only in the foyer and the library. But so does young and old meet in the foyer or the library, who wants to connect with the hectic outside world.

Hotel Heiderose
In den Dünen 127
18565 Vitte/Hiddensee
Tel. 038300 / 630

Hotel Heiderose at booking.com

Recomendations – Restaurants, bistro’s etc. on Hiddensee

Zur Boje
Königsbarg 18
18565 Neuendorf/Hiddensee
Tel. 03 83 00 / 65 20

Plogshagen 15
18565 Neuendorf/Hiddensee
Tel. 03 83 00 / 393

Zum Klausner
Im Dornbuschwald 1
18565 Hiddensee
Tel. 038300 / 66 10

Gasthaus & Café Rosi
Pappelallee 11
18565 Neuendorf/Hiddensee
Tel. 038300 / 501 68

Sunrise / Sunset on Hiddensee

Hiddensee Sunrise Sunset
March 06:20 18:10
June 04:30 21:45
September 06:40 19:25
December 08:20 15:40

Local weather on Hiddensee

broken clouds
humidity: 75%
wind: 6m/s E
H 3 • L 3
Weather from OpenWeatherMap



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